Archives par mot-clé : Yougonostalgie

Mémoires divisées et imaginaires politico-culturels en Europe après la guerre froide

Appel à contributions pour le premier numéro de la revue EUrope : cultures, mémoires, identités, à paraître en 2025

Les soumissions sont attendues, en français ou en anglais, d’ici le 18 juin 2024. Pour plus de détails, voir ici.

Thèmes proposés:

We invite scholars based in multiple disciplinary domains – cultural memory studies, the political sociology of memory, cultural and literary studies, comparative political studies, geopolitics, historiography, mnemohistory, European studies, international relations etc. – to contribute with articles to the first issue of the journal Europe: cultures, mémoires, identités, in approaching, for example, the following topics (without limiting at them):

  • Legacies of Cold War and “regions of memory” in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Political memory games in the Central- and Eastern-European space after the end of Cold War
  • The Revolutions of 1989 and the fragmented memories (political, cultural, social, and autobiographical) of the former Eastern bloc
  • Lieux de mémoire, politics of history and cultural texts in the memory cultures of Central and Eastern Europe in the aftermath of 1989/ 1991
  • “Painful pasts”, contested histories, and nostalgic memories in Central and Eastern Europe during the democratic transitions
  • Competing traumatic memories in the context of European integration: Holocaust vs. Gulag
  • “Faces” and metamorphoses of nostalgia in the Europe of divided memories: from the 90s to the present days
  • Fragmented memories and mnemohistories of democratic transitions in the Central- and Eastern-European space
  • Nationalism and transnationalism in the political and cultural memories of “Europe’s Europes” in the aftermath of 1989/ 1991
  • Populism, neo-nationalism, and fragmented memories in the context of the enlargement of European Union
  • Conflicting cultural memories, “time maps”, and symbolic geographies in “Europe’s Europes” in the aftermath of 1989/ 1991
  • Memory wars after 1989/ 1991: national(ist) and transnational mobilizations
  • The memory wars in the post-Yugoslav space: from the 90s to present contexts. Competitive memory vs. multidirectional memory. The Yugonostalgic counter-memory. Damnatio memoriae Yugonostalgia. Restorative nostalgia vs. Yugonostalgia. Retrotopias vs. retrospective utopias.
  • “From EUphoria to EU-goslavia”
    Fragmented memories, forms of Euroscepticism, and perspectives on the European common heritage
  • The European integration and the geopolitics of memory
    Instances of the “memory diplomacy” in “Europe’s Europes” after the end of Cold War
  • Fragmented memories and social cohesion in national, regional, and European contexts etc.

Soutenance de thèse de Milica Popovic

« Les mémoires (post)yougoslaves comme stratégies de résistance et portée politique de la Yougonostalgie »

((Post) Yugoslav memories as resistance strategies and the political significance of Yugonostalgia)

Thèse de doctorat en science politique, spécialité sociologie politique comparée, réalisée en cotutelle, sous la direction de Jacques Rupnik (Directeur de recherche émérite, Sciences Po-CERI) et la co-direction de Mitja Velikonja (Université de Ljubljana). 

La soutenance publique se tiendra le jeudi 22 juillet à 16h en visioconférence (en anglais). 


Le jury de thèse est composé de :

  • Antonela Capelle-Pogacean, Chargée de recherche, Sciences Po-CERI
  • Sarah Gensburger, Chargée de Recherche HDR, CNRS-ISSP (Rapporteure)
  • Ana Hofman, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Culture and Memory Studies, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  • Cécile Jouhanneau, Maîtresse de conférences, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (Rapporteure)
  • Alenka Krašovec, Professor, University of Ljubljana Mitja Sardoč, Senior Research Associate, Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana
  • Mitja Sardoč, Senior Research Associate, Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana 

Les personnes souhaitant assister à la soutenance devront contacter Milica Popovic ( pour  obtenir le lien.

Continuer la lecture de Soutenance de thèse de Milica Popovic