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1922: In the Wake of the Death of an Empire: The archival journey of entrenched post-Ottoman minorities Workshop for scholars and archivists

Place: Istanbul, Turkey (Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations-ANAMED, Koç University)
Date: October 6, 2023
Deadline for submission: 30/03/2023

St. Sepulcre façade portes et personnages militaires, A. Reid. The Lenkin Family Collection of Photography, University of Pennsylvania Libraries

How does one apprehend the lives of Eastern Mediterranean minorities who managed, or were allowed to stay where they resided despite the upheavals brought by the collapse of the Ottoman Empire? On the face of it, the task might appear easier than the one facing scholars of actively persecuted populations. Traumatic events like the massacres and expulsions of Muslim and Christian populations from the Balkans and Anatolia that have marked the abolition of the Sultanate never say their name -often given to them subsequently by historians or activists- in the written record. The latter’s destruction was often indeed planned, an integral part of the nationalistic demographic engineering at work in these events. By contrast “minorities,” as were sometimes designated after the Great War ethnically distinct groups allowed to remain in the successor states of the Ottoman empire, are much more visible in the archive. Indeed, official concerns regarding their size, wealth, activities, and indeed loyalty, meant that they were constantly surveilled. In this sense, the written record contributed very much to fabricating minorities, namely discrete, legible, and ultimately controllable groups. This was not a uniquely top-down process, however. Minority groups themselves, using the official channels of communication available to them, and performing -sometimes tactically- the social function they had been ascribed as a strategy of survival in their interactions with state authorities or official and unofficial third parties, participated in the entrenchment of their identity.

Continuer la lecture de 1922: In the Wake of the Death of an Empire: The archival journey of entrenched post-Ottoman minorities Workshop for scholars and archivists