Archives par mot-clé : Tirana

Extended deadline for panel and paper proposals: CIEPO-25

Location: Albania
Subject Fields: Early Modern History and Period Studies, Eastern Europe History / Studies, Humanities, Islamic History / Studies, Middle East History / Studies


New Submission Deadline: The deadline for the submission of proposals (both for panels and individual papers) for CIEPO-25 has now been extended to 20 December 2023. This extension is in response to numerous requests and aims to accommodate the needs of potential participants.

The Academy of Albanian Studies and the Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frasheri” are pleased to announce that the 25th Symposium of the Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies, CIÉPO) will take place in Tirana, Albania, from 21-25 June 2024.

The aim is to provide a platform of a high scholarly level that will promote the knowledge and sustain the memory of Ottoman history.

The symposium will include four days of sessions at a designated conference center in Tirana (21-24 June). An excursion is scheduled for the last day (25 June), during which participants will have the chance to visit Ottoman sites in the surrounding areas.


The organizers encourage thematic panels, but individual papers may also be submitted. In total, the symposium will feature up to 200 papers. Each paper, whether part of a panel or independent, will be of a duration of 15 minutes. Panels should ideally comprise four papers (panels of three to six papers are also acceptable) and include a brief 5-minute introductory presentation. All sessions will conclude with a brief discussion.

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Space, Place and Dwelling – Tirana Spring School 2018

Date: 19 March 2018 – 23 March 2018

Address: National Historical Museum of Albania, Sheshi Skënderbej 1, 1000 Tirana.

The Tirana Spring School will be organised by NISIS in collaboration with IISMM/EHESS, CNMS (Marburg University), CSIC, and IAKSA (Instituti i Antropologjisë Kulturore dhe Studimit të Artit, ASA) , and will take place at the National Historical Museum of Albaniain Tirana. 

Space, Place and Dwelling is the theme of the Spring School to be held in Tirana, Albania, in March 2018. Spatiality is an underrated but very fundamental aspect of religious practice and religious reasoning. According to Tweed (2006), religious practice comes down to basically two forces: crossing and dwelling. Terrestrial crossing refers to physical movement, such as pilgrimage, certain spatial rituals, and spiritual travel indicating a movement across time and place. Corporeal crossing refers not only to the religious understanding of life cycles and modes of temporality, but also to the embodied limits and constraints in life and the concomitant registers of meaning provided by religion to confront them. Cosmic crossing refers to transcendental dynamics of boundaries, and to the religious language that provides meaning to crossing.  We could also think of movement that is not religiously inspired but may well impact on notions of religion. Migration, displacement, or refugees for religious reasons.

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