IIRE Notebook no. 62 is edited by Catherine Samary & Fred Leplat, with contributions from Samuel Farber, Silvia Federici, Franck Gaudichaud, Zagorska Golubović, Ernest Mandel, Goran Marković, Svetozar Stojanović and Raquel Varela.
How far did the Bolsheviks introduce a ‘decolonial communism’, later destroyed by Stalin’s ‘socialism in one country’? Did the Tito-Stalin break in 1948 and the other revolutions transform these objectives? How far did the struggles and debates in the Yugoslavia of ‘market socialism’ in the mid 1960s follow a path towards democracy and the commons?
The contributors in this book review past and present experiences and Catherine Samary reconsiders the debates in the light of current thinking.