Archives par mot-clé : religious studies

Soutenance de thèse de Irvin Cemil Schick (CETOBaC)

The Legitimation of Esoteric Practices of Dubious Orthodoxy : Magic and Divination as Textual Practices in Early Modern Ottoman Islam


Soutenance de thèse de Irvin Cemil Schick (CETOBaC).
Mardi 9 juillet 2024, 14h | En hybride.
Présentiel : 54 boulevard Raspail – 75006 Paris, salle AS1_08. Contacter Nathalie Clayer pour assister.
Distanciel : Se rapprocher du candidat.


Membres du jury :

Mme Nathalie Clayer (Directrice de thèse), EHESS
Mme Amila Buturovic, York University, Toronto
M. Jean-Charles Coulon, CNRS
M. Pierre Lory, EPHE
M. Alexandre Papas, CNRS
M. Marinos Sariyannis, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Crète

Résumé :

Continuer la lecture de Soutenance de thèse de Irvin Cemil Schick (CETOBaC)

Fabrication de saints et néo-martyrs / Producing saints and neo-martyrs

Vous êtes invités à la journée d’étude “Fabrication de saints et néo-martyrs. Circulation de leurs cultes dans l’Europe du sud-est et l’espace post-soviétique : enjeux sociétaux et politiques“,  organisée dans le cadre du séminaire “Territoires et trajectoires du religieux en Europe du Sud-Est, XVIIIe-XXIe siècle” (CETOBaC / EHESS).

La journée d’étude se tiendra le lundi 12 juin 2023, entre 9h30 et 17h30 à l’EHESS, 54 bd. Raspail, salle du Conseil A/BS1_28.

Programme préliminaire:

Continuer la lecture de Fabrication de saints et néo-martyrs / Producing saints and neo-martyrs

Turkey and/in the Balkans: Turkish power projections, transnational Islam, and social linkages

CEST Summer School in Venice / 6 – 14 August 2023

Convened by Kerem Öktem (Ca’ Foscari) and Elise Massicard (CNRS/CERI SciencesPo)

The third CEST Summer School is dedicated to the connectivities between Turkey and Southeast Europe and particularly to Turkey’s complex and contested presence in the Balkans. Our aim is to bring together PhD candidates and young scholars working on the multi-level and multi-scalar linkages between Turkey and Balkan countries with
significant Muslim communities. Our perspective is interdisciplinary and informed by anthropological approaches, history, as well as political science and international politics research as long as they share an in-depth / ‘politics from below’ perspective. Students working in the field of migration and diaspora studies, as well as religious studies, are also encouraged to apply. Our scope is inclusive both in terms of geography (including Greece, Cyprus, and Romania) and in our thematic focus, ranging from projects examining local dynamics (Turkish migration to/presence in SEE countries, migration from SEE to Turkey, projects and investments by Turkish religious and other key actors, local
contestations, memories, and representations) to regional and global interactions (bi- and multilateral relations and cooperation).

Continuer la lecture de Turkey and/in the Balkans: Turkish power projections, transnational Islam, and social linkages