Archives par mot-clé : relations internationales

Tolga Bilener, LA TURQUIE ET LA CHINE : une nouvelle convergence en Eurasie ?, Paris, L’harmattan, 2019 (334 P., 34€)

La relation turco-chinoise démontrerait-elle qu’une “eurasianisation” de la politique étrangère turque serait en cours ? A l’heure où l’axe pro-occidental traditionnel de la politique étrangère turque est ébranlé, la volonté chinoise de mettre en oeuvre le projet des Nouvelles routes de la soie incite ces deux pays à se rapprocher davantage. Même si les points de convergence ne manquent pas, ce rapprochement est limité par des facteurs tels la question Ouïghour et l’appartenance de la Turquie au système d’alliance occidentale. Cet ouvrage se penche sur les coopérations concrètes mais aussi sur les points de divergence entre ces deux acteurs de l’Eurasie.

Tolga Bilener, docteur en sciences politiques, est enseignant-chercheur à l’Université de Galatasaray (Istanbul).

Studying the Balkans Globally Workshop

Studying the Balkans Globally Workshop 

Department of Politics Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK) Belgrade – Belgrade, 3 April 2020

We are pleased to announce a call for written contributions and an invitation to a one-day workshop at the Belgrade-based Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK). Southeast Europe (SEE) features prominently as an object of study across social sciences. It has proven to be an almost inexhaustive source of materials for topics as diverse as memory, peace and conflict, democratisation, transformations of capitalism, gender politics, justice, and migration. Yet, in many of these discussions, the region remains a source of data, rather than knowledge: local dynamics are interpreted in epistemologies and frameworks residing firmly in the power-centres of international academies, with ‘theory’ happening elsewhere. The workshop seeks to challenge this positioning by situating regional studies of Southeast Europe in larger debates in social science. First, it hopes to develop a SEE perspective to
recent efforts to globalise, provincialize, and decolonise social sciences. Despite the proximity between SEE and postcolonial studies from where these efforts emerge, SEE contributions to
provincializing social science have yet to be explicitly formulated. Second, the workshop takes forward the emergence of global and transregional approaches to area studies. In studying
the Balkans globally, the workshop aims to identify tools for understanding the region in new circuits of migration and networks of economic and political integration. With these two
broad themes in mind, the workshop will bring together interdisciplinary scholars to formulate innovative ways of studying the Balkans globally.

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