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European review of history (vol. 26, 2019) – Voluntary Associations in Yugoslavia (1918 – 1941)

Voluntary Associations in Yugoslavia (1918-1941), ERH Special Issue, Vol. 26, 2019 

– Fabio Giomi, Stefano Petrungaro, Voluntary Associations, State, and Gender in Interwar Yugoslavia. An Introduction

– Ana Kladnik, A Smoldering Fire: The National, Political and Gender Adaptations of Volunteer Firefighters in Interwar Yugoslavia

– Fabio Giomi, Muslim, Educated and Well Dressed. Gajret’s Self-Civilising Mission in Interwar Yugoslavia

– Peter Troch, Interwar Yugoslav State-Building and the Changing Social Position of the Sokol Gymnastics Movement

– Bojan Mitrović, “Believe me, we know only one reality, and it is the strength of our Youth”: The Federation of Jewish Youth Associations of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (SŽOU-KSHS) and its Role in the Formation of the Yugoslav Jewry

– Bernd Robionek, Contested cooperation: the ethnic-German welfare cooperatives in the Vojvodina (1930s)

– Igor Tchoukarine, To Serve the King, the State, and the People: The Adriatic Guard’s Ambiguous Position in Interwar Yugoslavia

– Stefano Petrungaro, Soup Kitchens and Yugoslav Poor Relief between the Two World Wars