Archives par mot-clé : Italie

GAndreas Guidi, Generations of Empire Youth from Ottoman to Italian Rule in the Mediterranean, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2022, (328 p., 75$)

Generations of Empire

In 1912, Italy occupied Rhodes, an Ottoman town inhabited by Greek Orthodox, Muslims, Jews, and Catholics. Rhodes became a territory of Italy’s empire in 1923 following the Treaty of Lausanne, only one year after Mussolini seized power in Rome. The Ottoman demise corresponded to the expansion of fascist imperialism in the Mediterranean. Both the Ottoman Young Turks and Italian colonial governors invoked the role of a “new generation” of youth in imperial rule.

Generations of Empire investigates the relationship between state and society in light of successive transformations of imperial rule, rethinking Italian colonialism as post-Ottoman history. Andreas Guidi explores how communal life in the town of Rhodes was affected by the transition between these regimes, from an autocratic to a constitutional empire in late Ottoman years to Italian military occupation to fascist annexation. Based on archival sources in five languages from seven different countries, the book investigates generational dynamics in the domains of political activism, the family, education, work and leisure, and mobility. Generations of Empire offers a vivid picture of how a local society navigated large-scale social and political transformations in the modern Mediterranean.


Risorsa digitale indipendente a carattere interdisciplinare. Uscita semestrale Pubblicata da Occhialì – Laboratorio sul Mediterraneo islamico Dipartimento di Culture, Educazione e Società Università della Calabria


Nuove piazze commerciali alla fine del Medioevo : la Calabria e la Viadella Seta dopo la nascita dell’Impero Ottomano – Sarah Procopio » p.2


Amor vacui: ripetizione e vuoto come caratteristiche distintive dell’arte islamica – Francesca Bocca » p.16

L’arte come forma pura. Da Platon e alla geometria sacra dell’Islam –Federico Leonardo Giampà »p.27

Raimondo D’Aronco and the Karakoy Camii : the Case of the Lost Mosque – Ecem Altinkilic and Giulia Bei » p.44

Figure mandaliche. La struttura del sacro tra microcosmo e macrocosmo – Chiara Falcone » p.62I

I “castelli del deserto” omayyadi. Analisi e confronti fras celte architettoniche e decorative nei quṣūr e ḥammām giordani della prima epoca islamica – Marta Pipino » p.78


Paola Gandolfi, “Rivolte in atto.  Dai movimenti artistici arabi a una pedagogia rivoluzinoaria” (Mimesis, 2013) – Sara Mazzei » p.92

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