Archives par mot-clé : IOS

IOS Fellowships: Call for Applications/ Institut Leibniz d’études de l’Europe de l’Est et du Sud-Est de Ratisbonne: Appel à candidatures

Program for Visiting Scholars at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg/Programme de chercheurs invités à l’Institut Leibniz d’études de l’Europe de l’Est et du Sud-Est de Ratisbonne

Within the framework of its Visiting Research Fellow Program, the IOS encourages applications from historians, economists and political scientists as well as scholars of cognate disciplines. The duration of the research stay usually lasts between two and four weeks. The fellows are expected to conduct research relevant to the research profile of the institute. The allowance is determined by the length stay and the applicant’s professional experience.


Program for Visiting Scholars at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2025)

Within the framework of its Visiting Research Fellow Program, the IOS encourages applications from historians, economists and political scientists as well as scholars of cognate disciplines. The duration of the research stay usually lasts between two and four weeks. The fellows are expected to conduct research relevant to the research profile of the institute. The allowance is determined by the length stay and the applicant’s professional experience.

Please find a detailed description here.
Please submit your application via our online application form.
Deadline of application September 30, 2024.


Augustin Hirschvogel Fellowship at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg

In the frame of the Augustin Hirschvogel Fellowship, the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) encourages applications from historians, geographers, cartographers and scholars of cognate disciplines, who focus on Eastern or Southeastern Europe. The duration of the research stay is up to four weeks. As part of a mutual agreement with the institute, the fellow is expected to contribute to the development of GeoPortOst by testing and exploiting it. GeoPortOst is the IOS gateway for historical maps, printed in books and published for the first time digitally in GIS format. The allowance is determined by the length of stay and the applicant’s professional experience.

Augustin Hirschvogel Fellowship at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2025)

Within the framework of its Fellow Program, the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) awards the Augustin Hirschvogel Fellowship. The IOS encourages applications from historians, geographers, cartographers and scholars of cognate disciplines, who focus on Eastern or Southeastern Europe. The duration of the research stay is up to four weeks. As part of a mutual agreement with the institute, the fellow is expected to contribute to the development of GeoPortOst by testing and exploiting it. GeoPortOst is the IOS gateway for historical maps, printed in books and published for the first time digitally in GIS format. The allowance is determined by the length of stay and the applicant’s professional experience.

Please find a detailed description here.
Please submit your application via our online application form.
Deadline of application September 30, 2024.

Odessa Fellowship

The Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS Regensburg) and the City of Regensburg have established a joint research fellow program for scientists working in the City of Odessa. We encourage applications from social scientists, political scientists, economists and historians as well as scholars of cognate disciplines from universities and institutions of higher education and research in Odessa. The fellowship aims at strengthening the partnership between the Cities of Regensburg and Odessa, as well as between the IOS and academic institutions in Odessa.


Poste de professeur assistant (postdoc) en histoire du sud-est européen à l’Université de Ratisbonne (Regensburg)

L’Université de Ratisbonne (Universität Regensburg) et la Chaire pour l’histoire de l’Europe de l’Est et du Sud-Est (Lehrstuhls für Geschichte Südost- und Osteuropas) recherchent un professeur assistant (postdoc) en histoire de l’Europe du Sud-Est.

Poste à pourvoir à partir du 1er septembre 2023.

Date limite pour l’envoi des candidatures : 31 mai 2023.

Professeur assistant temporaire (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit) à temps plein (40 heures par semaine) pour une durée de 3 ans en tant que fonctionnaire temporaire. Le salaire est basé sur le groupe salarial A 13 BayBesG.

La chaire est financée par la Fondation Volkswagen “Strengthening Southeast European Studies in regensburg” (seeFField). Elle fait partie de la Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies et coopère étroitement avec l’Institut Leibniz d’études de l’Europe de l’Est et du Sud-Est (IOS) et se consacre à l’histoire comparée et l’anthropologie sociale de l’Europe de l’Est et du Sud-Est, surtout depuis le XIXe siècle.

La chaire chapeaute la licence d’Études de l’Europe du Sud-Est.

Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter le Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchenau (courriel : ; téléphone : 0941 943-3792).

Veuillez envoyer votre candidature sous forme de fichier PDF à avant le 31 mai 2023. En plus de la lettre de motivation et du curriculum vitae, les documents de candidature doivent contenir les certificats et diplômes, un exposé de 5 pages maximum de votre propre projet de recherche et, si nécessaire, des listes de publications, de conférences et de cours ainsi que les noms de deux références académiques.

Plus d’informations : appel à candidatures.