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“Post-Post-Kemalism? Why Is Studying the Turkish Far Right More Relevant Now Than Ever?”

L’enregistrement audio de la conférence  “Post-Post-Kemalism? Why Is Studying the Turkish Far Right More Relevant Now Than Ever?” d’İlker Aytürk (Bilkent University), Professeur invité de l’EHESS, Chaire sécable de l’IISMM.  L’intervention est en anglais.

Conférence qui s’est tenue le 16 mai dernier dans le cadre du Séminaire Itinéraires et de débats en études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques, EHESS.

Résumé [en anglais]:

Since the 1980s, the field of modern Turkish studies (including historiography, sociology, anthropology, political science, cultural studies, and gender studies) is dominated by what I call the post-Kemalist paradigm. Post-Kemalists blamed the CUP and the Kemalists for many of Turkey’s contemporary problems and initiated a process of catharsis to overcome the residues of the policies of the 1913-1950 period. This lecture is not a neo-Kemalist critique of post-Kemalists. However, it does argue that post-Kemalists, with their overemphasis on Kemalism, have blinded us to the rise of the far right in Turkey and authoritarian tendencies in the AKP. It will conclude with an invitation to shift the temporal focus of modern Turkish studies from 1913-1950 to the Cold War years, where we have better chances of discovering root causes what is happening in contemporary Turkey.

ILKER AYTURK – Professeur invité à l’EHESS-IISMM

İlker AYTÜRK (PhD Brandeis 2005) is associate professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Bilkent University, Ankara and teaches Turkish political history. His current research focuses on the evolution of the Turkish far right during the Cold War. Professeur invité par Emmanuel SZUREK.

Continuer la lecture de ILKER AYTURK – Professeur invité à l’EHESS-IISMM

Space, Place and Dwelling – Tirana Spring School 2018

Date: 19 March 2018 – 23 March 2018

Address: National Historical Museum of Albania, Sheshi Skënderbej 1, 1000 Tirana.

The Tirana Spring School will be organised by NISIS in collaboration with IISMM/EHESS, CNMS (Marburg University), CSIC, and IAKSA (Instituti i Antropologjisë Kulturore dhe Studimit të Artit, ASA) , and will take place at the National Historical Museum of Albaniain Tirana. 

Space, Place and Dwelling is the theme of the Spring School to be held in Tirana, Albania, in March 2018. Spatiality is an underrated but very fundamental aspect of religious practice and religious reasoning. According to Tweed (2006), religious practice comes down to basically two forces: crossing and dwelling. Terrestrial crossing refers to physical movement, such as pilgrimage, certain spatial rituals, and spiritual travel indicating a movement across time and place. Corporeal crossing refers not only to the religious understanding of life cycles and modes of temporality, but also to the embodied limits and constraints in life and the concomitant registers of meaning provided by religion to confront them. Cosmic crossing refers to transcendental dynamics of boundaries, and to the religious language that provides meaning to crossing.  We could also think of movement that is not religiously inspired but may well impact on notions of religion. Migration, displacement, or refugees for religious reasons.

Continuer la lecture de Space, Place and Dwelling – Tirana Spring School 2018