Archives par mot-clé : Europe du sud-est

IOS Fellowships: Call for Applications/ Institut Leibniz d’études de l’Europe de l’Est et du Sud-Est de Ratisbonne: Appel à candidatures

Program for Visiting Scholars at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg/Programme de chercheurs invités à l’Institut Leibniz d’études de l’Europe de l’Est et du Sud-Est de Ratisbonne

Within the framework of its Visiting Research Fellow Program, the IOS encourages applications from historians, economists and political scientists as well as scholars of cognate disciplines. The duration of the research stay usually lasts between two and four weeks. The fellows are expected to conduct research relevant to the research profile of the institute. The allowance is determined by the length stay and the applicant’s professional experience.


Program for Visiting Scholars at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2025)

Within the framework of its Visiting Research Fellow Program, the IOS encourages applications from historians, economists and political scientists as well as scholars of cognate disciplines. The duration of the research stay usually lasts between two and four weeks. The fellows are expected to conduct research relevant to the research profile of the institute. The allowance is determined by the length stay and the applicant’s professional experience.

Please find a detailed description here.
Please submit your application via our online application form.
Deadline of application September 30, 2024.


Augustin Hirschvogel Fellowship at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg

In the frame of the Augustin Hirschvogel Fellowship, the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) encourages applications from historians, geographers, cartographers and scholars of cognate disciplines, who focus on Eastern or Southeastern Europe. The duration of the research stay is up to four weeks. As part of a mutual agreement with the institute, the fellow is expected to contribute to the development of GeoPortOst by testing and exploiting it. GeoPortOst is the IOS gateway for historical maps, printed in books and published for the first time digitally in GIS format. The allowance is determined by the length of stay and the applicant’s professional experience.

Augustin Hirschvogel Fellowship at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2025)

Within the framework of its Fellow Program, the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) awards the Augustin Hirschvogel Fellowship. The IOS encourages applications from historians, geographers, cartographers and scholars of cognate disciplines, who focus on Eastern or Southeastern Europe. The duration of the research stay is up to four weeks. As part of a mutual agreement with the institute, the fellow is expected to contribute to the development of GeoPortOst by testing and exploiting it. GeoPortOst is the IOS gateway for historical maps, printed in books and published for the first time digitally in GIS format. The allowance is determined by the length of stay and the applicant’s professional experience.

Please find a detailed description here.
Please submit your application via our online application form.
Deadline of application September 30, 2024.

Odessa Fellowship

The Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS Regensburg) and the City of Regensburg have established a joint research fellow program for scientists working in the City of Odessa. We encourage applications from social scientists, political scientists, economists and historians as well as scholars of cognate disciplines from universities and institutions of higher education and research in Odessa. The fellowship aims at strengthening the partnership between the Cities of Regensburg and Odessa, as well as between the IOS and academic institutions in Odessa.


Kosova Anthropologica requests articles, editorials, reviews for its 2nd issue

The Kosova Anthropologica journal editors are requesting contributions by 31 August 2024 for the journal’s 2nd issue. Kosova Anthropologica publishes:
• Original (scientific) papers (6000-8000 words) containing previously unpublished original research;
• Editorials (introductions of up to 3000 words);
• Reviews (original, concise and critical reviews of books, films, documentaries and other medial forms associated with anthropology – from 1000 up to 1500 words).
Kosova Anthropologica is a diamond open access double blind peer-reviewed annual academic journal of the Department of Anthropology Faculty of Philosophy, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Prishtina, Republic of Kosova. The aim of the journal is to advance anthropological knowledge of Kosova and the region. The journal is an open forum for scholars, mainly in the field of cultural/social anthropology, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology.

How is EU integration reshaping work in Southeastern Europe?

Le journal COMPSEES attend des propositions d’articles en anglais d’ici le 1er juillet 2024 sur les thèmes suivants:

How is EU integration reshaping work in Southeastern Europe? We are looking for papers on labor market reforms, skills & education, labor mobility & technology transfer for a special issue of our open access journal COMPSEES.

Plus de détails ici.

Parution – Les Tsiganes des Balkans (1280-1914). Documents rassemblés, traduits et commentés par Bernard Lory

Les Tsiganes (Rroms) et leur histoire sont très largement méconnus et font l’objet de nombreux stéréotypes qui contribuent à donner d’eux une vision intemporelle, comme s’ils ne s’étaient pas adaptés aux évolutions de leur temps et n’avaient pas interagi avec les sociétés au contact desquelles ils se sont trouvés. Cette vision des Tsiganes vivant dans une bulle immuable et anhistorique est erronée : au cours des siècles, ils ont modifié leurs activités économiques, leurs pratiques langagières, leur style de vie.

Dans le présent ouvrage, Bernard Lory reprend l’enquête historique à sa base, par la collecte de sources primaires aussi variées que possible, écrites entre la fin du XIIIe siècle et le début du XXe siècle. Spécialiste de l’histoire des Balkans, il a limité son étude au Sud-Est de l’Europe (Grèce, Albanie, Bulgarie, Turquie d’Europe, Macédoine, Serbie, Kosovo, Monténégro, Croatie et Bosnie-Herzégovine), vaste territoire où les populations tsiganes sont nombreuses. Cette approche géographique est largement conditionnée par le facteur ottoman, puisqu’elle concerne des territoires qui furent sous son administration directe et prolongée.

Au total, ce sont 157 documents traduits du grec byzantin, du slavon, du turc ottoman, du latin, de l’allemand, de l’anglais, du serbo-croate, du bulgare ou du macédonien. Chaque texte est introduit, pourvu des notes explicatives indispensables, commenté et mis en rapport avec d’autres sources au contenu voisin. Le lecteur se rendra compte qu’il n’y est pas question de roulottes et fort peu de musique ou de bonne aventure. En revanche le métier de forgeron est central, les questions de fiscalité sont omniprésentes et les relations complexes entre Tsiganes et Gadjos se déclinent avec beaucoup de subtilité.

Les Tsiganes des Balkans (1280-1914), Documents rassemblés, traduits et commentés par Bernard Lory, Les Belles Lettres, 2024 (688 p., 55€)

Mémoires divisées et imaginaires politico-culturels en Europe après la guerre froide

Appel à contributions pour le premier numéro de la revue EUrope : cultures, mémoires, identités, à paraître en 2025

Les soumissions sont attendues, en français ou en anglais, d’ici le 18 juin 2024. Pour plus de détails, voir ici.

Thèmes proposés:

We invite scholars based in multiple disciplinary domains – cultural memory studies, the political sociology of memory, cultural and literary studies, comparative political studies, geopolitics, historiography, mnemohistory, European studies, international relations etc. – to contribute with articles to the first issue of the journal Europe: cultures, mémoires, identités, in approaching, for example, the following topics (without limiting at them):

  • Legacies of Cold War and “regions of memory” in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Political memory games in the Central- and Eastern-European space after the end of Cold War
  • The Revolutions of 1989 and the fragmented memories (political, cultural, social, and autobiographical) of the former Eastern bloc
  • Lieux de mémoire, politics of history and cultural texts in the memory cultures of Central and Eastern Europe in the aftermath of 1989/ 1991
  • “Painful pasts”, contested histories, and nostalgic memories in Central and Eastern Europe during the democratic transitions
  • Competing traumatic memories in the context of European integration: Holocaust vs. Gulag
  • “Faces” and metamorphoses of nostalgia in the Europe of divided memories: from the 90s to the present days
  • Fragmented memories and mnemohistories of democratic transitions in the Central- and Eastern-European space
  • Nationalism and transnationalism in the political and cultural memories of “Europe’s Europes” in the aftermath of 1989/ 1991
  • Populism, neo-nationalism, and fragmented memories in the context of the enlargement of European Union
  • Conflicting cultural memories, “time maps”, and symbolic geographies in “Europe’s Europes” in the aftermath of 1989/ 1991
  • Memory wars after 1989/ 1991: national(ist) and transnational mobilizations
  • The memory wars in the post-Yugoslav space: from the 90s to present contexts. Competitive memory vs. multidirectional memory. The Yugonostalgic counter-memory. Damnatio memoriae Yugonostalgia. Restorative nostalgia vs. Yugonostalgia. Retrotopias vs. retrospective utopias.
  • “From EUphoria to EU-goslavia”
    Fragmented memories, forms of Euroscepticism, and perspectives on the European common heritage
  • The European integration and the geopolitics of memory
    Instances of the “memory diplomacy” in “Europe’s Europes” after the end of Cold War
  • Fragmented memories and social cohesion in national, regional, and European contexts etc.

Le temps de l’après-génocide : reconstruire, se souvenir et transmettre

Cette rencontre est organisée les 16-17/05/2024 par l’École française d’Athènes, en format hybride. Elle bénéficie d’un financement de la Fondation Gulbenkian. Avec la participation de l’UMR SeDyL.

Lieu: Salle des conférences de l’École française d’Athènes, Didotou 6 ou en ligne. Pour participer en ligne, merci de vous inscrire ici.

Le programme détaillé est téléchargeable ici, et des résumés des interventions sont disponibles ici.

La troisième rencontre du programme de recherche « Arméniens et Juifs dans les métropoles du Sud-Est européen » a pour thématique LE TEMPS DE L’APRÈS-GÉNOCIDE: RECONSTRUIRE, SE SOUVENIR ET TRANSMETTRE. Il s’agit de notre troisième et ultime rencontre de ce programme. Elle est consacrée au temps d’après les génocides, tant au niveau des mémoires traumatiques qu’au niveau de la reconstruction des vies collectives et individuelles et de la transmission.


Continuer la lecture de Le temps de l’après-génocide : reconstruire, se souvenir et transmettre

Migrations, réfugiés, crises humanitaires en Europe du Sud-Est – dialogue avec Pamela Ballinger

Le département Global de l’Institut Convergences Migrations et le CETOBaC (EHESS) vous invitent à une table ronde le lundi 22 avril de 9h30 à 12h30 sur le Campus Condorcet (bâtiment Recherche sud, 1er étage, salle 1.023).

Aux côtés de Pamela Ballinger, chercheuse invitée de l’EHESS, interviendront:

Marie Levant (École française de Rome, ICM)

Elif Becan (Collège de France, CETOBaC, ICM)

Xavier Bougarel (CNRS, CETOBaC)

Continuer la lecture de Migrations, réfugiés, crises humanitaires en Europe du Sud-Est – dialogue avec Pamela Ballinger

Appel à publication : Südost-Forschungen International Journal of History and Culture of Southeastern Europe

The submission deadline for volume 83 is 30 June 2024, for volume 84 30 November 2024.

If you have any questions or wish to submit a manuscript, please get in touch with Dr. Peter Mario Kreuter (

Edited by the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS), Regensburg, Germany

Main editors: Ulf Brunnbauer, Konrad Clewing


Südost-Forschungen invites scholars to submit contributions from all areas of the history of Southeastern Europe for its two upcoming issues (volumes 83 and 84).

Südost-Forschungen is one of the oldest periodical publications on the history of Southeastern Europe. Its first volume appeared in 1936, and the journal, which appears as a yearbook, has since developed into one of the leading publishing organs of German and international research
on the history of Southeastern Europe. For the coming year, Südost-Forschungen plans to switch from one yearbook to two issues per year.

Südost-Forschungen is committed to a broad and interdisciplinary approach to history and publishes on topics ranging from political issues and cultural, linguistic, and art history to economic and social history, historical geography, and the history of religion. The journal
endeavours to cover the region’s history from the Byzantine era to contemporary history. Part of the journal’s mission is to present research from the region to an international audience, thus serving as a platform for excellent regional scholarship. This objective is also reflected in the
journal’s extensive review section, in which numerous works in the languages of the region are discussed.

After preliminary consideration by the editorial team, contributions submitted to Südost-Forschungen will undergo a double-blind process by two peer reviewers. The journal accepts manuscripts in German, English, and French. While most research articles are stand-alone
papers, the journal also invites submissions for a special thematic section, which usually consists of three to four research articles linked by an overarching theme.

The maximum length of articles is 10,000 words (including notes). In addition to research articles, the journal accepts detailed review articles and reflections on current research trends and the region’s historiography (in the section “Aus der Südosteuropa-Forschung”).
Occasionally, the journal publishes edited sources and commentaries.

Further information on the journal as well as submission guidelines can be found at