La Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg accueillera du 27 au 29 mai 2024 le congrès annuel de l’ABDOS : Association des bibliothèques allemandes et suisses pour la recherche sur l’Europe de l’Est, Centrale et du Sud-Est (
C’est leur premier congrès en France.
Le sujet de cette année : “Construire ensemble la connaissance sur l’Europe de l’Est : collaboration entre les bibliothèques et la recherche”.
The 51st international conference of ABDOS e.V.
“Connecting Libraries and Research on Eastern Europe: Strengthening the Collaboration for Knowledge”
will be held May 27-29, 2024 at and jointly with the National and University Library of Strasbourg (Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg BNU).
At our first conference in France, we would like to place a special focus on a comparative analysis of the services, projects and current developments both in research on Eastern, Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe and in the thematically related library and documentation infrastructures.
Proposals are invited for shorter (10 minutes) and longer (20 minutes) contributions on the following topics in particular:
- Infrastructures and services for research: Current and future projects
- Collections in the digital age: building, maintaining and communicating special collections related to Eastern Europe
- New developments in the digital field and in the area of artificial intelligence (AI) and their impact on libraries
- Research on Eastern, Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe in times of political and social change and upheaval
A list of hotels within easy reach of the conference venue will be published at a later date.
The official conference languages are German and English. Simultaneous interpreting will not take place.
The conference fee is 90€ (ABDOS members) / 130€ (non-members) / 400€ (commercial providers) (including lunch).
Submission deadline : 29 February 2024.