Archives de catégorie : Ecoles d’été / Summer schools

Sensory Heritages & Sensitive Memories in the Balkans

Ecole d’été organisée entre les 1er et 5 juillet 2024, à Sofia and Plovdiv (Bulgaria).

Université Sveti Kliment Ohridski, Sofia / Université Paisii Hilendarski, Plovdiv.

Cette école d’été internationale, qui s’adresse à des de différentes disciplines, met l’accent sur les dimensions sensorielles et sensibles des enjeux patrimoniaux et mémoriels dans les Balkans. Elle sera organisée autour de propositions théoriques et méthodologiques, d’études de cas, d’ateliers et d’expériences mobilisant les sens non seulement comme objets d’étude, mais comme modes de connaissance (incluant possiblement l’usage de différents médias, des formes alternatives d’écriture, des démarches hybrides art/science, etc.).

Organisateurs: École française d’Athènes, École française de Rome, CETOBAC (UMR8032 CNRS/EHESS), Aix-Marseille University (Institut SoMuM, UMR 7303 TELEMMe, AMU-CNRS), Università degli studi di Trieste, University Lumière-Lyon2 (UMR 5600 EVS), University Sveti Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, University Paisii Hilendarski, Plovdiv.

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Appel à candidature/Call for paper

Candidatures avant le 31 janvier 2024 : Sensory heritages & sensitive memories in the Balkans

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Turkey and/in the Balkans: Turkish power projections, transnational Islam, and social linkages

CEST Summer School in Venice / 6 – 14 August 2023

Convened by Kerem Öktem (Ca’ Foscari) and Elise Massicard (CNRS/CERI SciencesPo)

The third CEST Summer School is dedicated to the connectivities between Turkey and Southeast Europe and particularly to Turkey’s complex and contested presence in the Balkans. Our aim is to bring together PhD candidates and young scholars working on the multi-level and multi-scalar linkages between Turkey and Balkan countries with
significant Muslim communities. Our perspective is interdisciplinary and informed by anthropological approaches, history, as well as political science and international politics research as long as they share an in-depth / ‘politics from below’ perspective. Students working in the field of migration and diaspora studies, as well as religious studies, are also encouraged to apply. Our scope is inclusive both in terms of geography (including Greece, Cyprus, and Romania) and in our thematic focus, ranging from projects examining local dynamics (Turkish migration to/presence in SEE countries, migration from SEE to Turkey, projects and investments by Turkish religious and other key actors, local
contestations, memories, and representations) to regional and global interactions (bi- and multilateral relations and cooperation).

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Mobilites en temps de guerres, ecole française d’athenes, 2 – 7 SEPTEMBRE 2019

SÉMINAIRE DE FORMATION DOCTORALE : « Mobilités en temps de guerre » qui se déroulera à Thessalonique, Grèce, du 2 au 7 septembre 2019. 

L’École française d’Athènes – Section des Études modernes et contemporaines – a le plaisir de vous communiquer le titre et le programme du prochain Séminaire de formation doctorale qu’elle organise en partenariat avec le Centre d’Histoire des sociétés, des sciences et des conflits de l’Université de Picardie-Jules Verne et le Centre Alexandre Koyré (École des hautes études en sciences sociales-CNRS-Muséum national d’histoire naturelle).

Le séminaire sera organisé en sessions thématiques sur le thème des mobilités pendant et après la Première Guerre mondiale. Le front d’Orient sera utilisé comme un cas d’étude privilégié, mais non unique, des mobilités en temps de guerre. Les sessions se dérouleront dans une série de lieux historiques et archivistiques (comme le cimetière de Zeitenlik, la villa Kapadji, l’ancien hôpital russe, le centre communautaire juif). En complément du séminaire, des excursions seront organisées sur les sites de la Première Guerre mondiale. 

Date limite de candidature : 30 mars 2019

Voir le programme détaillé et les informations pour le dossier de candidature:

Langues de travail
Français et anglais. Connaissance passive du français requise.

Modalités et inscriptions

Le Séminaire de Formation Doctorale est ouvert aux étudiants inscrits en thèse et aux étudiants de Master 2. 

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The Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion and Violence in Europe (NRVSS 2018) organized by the Charles University in Prague and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, supported by the CEFRES–French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Slavonic and East European Studies (UCL), University of Birmingham, Humboldt University of Berlin and the Institute for the Study of Strategic Regions is ready to launch its sixth year!

31 March 2018: Deadline for those needing visas for the Czech Republic
30 April 2018: Final application deadline


Space, Place and Dwelling – Tirana Spring School 2018

Date: 19 March 2018 – 23 March 2018

Address: National Historical Museum of Albania, Sheshi Skënderbej 1, 1000 Tirana.

The Tirana Spring School will be organised by NISIS in collaboration with IISMM/EHESS, CNMS (Marburg University), CSIC, and IAKSA (Instituti i Antropologjisë Kulturore dhe Studimit të Artit, ASA) , and will take place at the National Historical Museum of Albaniain Tirana. 

Space, Place and Dwelling is the theme of the Spring School to be held in Tirana, Albania, in March 2018. Spatiality is an underrated but very fundamental aspect of religious practice and religious reasoning. According to Tweed (2006), religious practice comes down to basically two forces: crossing and dwelling. Terrestrial crossing refers to physical movement, such as pilgrimage, certain spatial rituals, and spiritual travel indicating a movement across time and place. Corporeal crossing refers not only to the religious understanding of life cycles and modes of temporality, but also to the embodied limits and constraints in life and the concomitant registers of meaning provided by religion to confront them. Cosmic crossing refers to transcendental dynamics of boundaries, and to the religious language that provides meaning to crossing.  We could also think of movement that is not religiously inspired but may well impact on notions of religion. Migration, displacement, or refugees for religious reasons.

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