CEST Summer School in Venice / 6 – 14 August 2023
Convened by Kerem Öktem (Ca’ Foscari) and Elise Massicard (CNRS/CERI SciencesPo)
The third CEST Summer School is dedicated to the connectivities between Turkey and Southeast Europe and particularly to Turkey’s complex and contested presence in the Balkans. Our aim is to bring together PhD candidates and young scholars working on the multi-level and multi-scalar linkages between Turkey and Balkan countries with
significant Muslim communities. Our perspective is interdisciplinary and informed by anthropological approaches, history, as well as political science and international politics research as long as they share an in-depth / ‘politics from below’ perspective. Students working in the field of migration and diaspora studies, as well as religious studies, are also encouraged to apply. Our scope is inclusive both in terms of geography (including Greece, Cyprus, and Romania) and in our thematic focus, ranging from projects examining local dynamics (Turkish migration to/presence in SEE countries, migration from SEE to Turkey, projects and investments by Turkish religious and other key actors, local
contestations, memories, and representations) to regional and global interactions (bi- and multilateral relations and cooperation).
Aims: The Summer School has two objectives: The first is to bring together young academics from Turkey, the Balkans and other countries in Europe to deepen the theoretical and empirical engagement with the particular theme of Turkey – Balkan relations. The second objective is to contribute to the participants’ skills development in the interrelated fields of writing and publishing, presentation and research funding. Applicants are therefore required to apply with draft papers (see specifications below) related to the theme of the Summer School which they will present, discuss, and develop during the school.
Structure: The Summer School will last from 6 – 14 August and will take place on San Servolo Island, a short boat ride from Piazza San Marco in Venice. The program will consist of daily lectures and seminars on particular dimensions of Turkey – Balkan linkages by leading scholars in the field, discussion sessions of the participants, and focus events on funding and presentation skills. Participants agree to prepare a 7-minute (Pecha Kucha) presentation for the plenum as well as a 20-minute presentation of their research for their working group.
Application: Interested PhD candidates and young academics (five years since graduation) are invited to apply. The selection committee will consider applications from MA students if their research project is deemed well-advanced. If you are interested, please submit your application file by Friday 21 April to the following e-mail address:
Please send us the following documents submitted in one Pdf!
- Letter of motivation
- Summary of your research project (500 words)
- Short CV (1 page) including the contact details of two referees who would be willing to supply a reference on short notice.
- Full CV (3-4 pages)
- Draft paper of 4-8.000 words on a theme relevant to the Summer School. This paper can be a chapter from your thesis, a draft for eventual publication or a research paper that you wish to develop.
A jury consisting of members of the Consortium will select the participants. We will notify you by 26 April whether you
have been selected for participation.
Logistics: If selected, your participation will be fully funded. Flight tickets will be reimbursed up to the price of 300 Euros. Your accommodation as well as all food and drink expenses will be fully covered.
This Summer School is part of the annual academic events of the Consortium of European Studies on Turkey (CEST), a network of institutions and scholars committed to the study of the history, politics and society of Turkey. CEST includes SciencesPo Paris, the University of Vienna, Stockholm University, Naples L’Orientale, and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The Consortium is funded inter alia by the Mercator Foundation. The 2013 Summer School is convened by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and SciencesPo Paris at the VIU San Servolo Campus, in cooperation with and generous support by the Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Program at Northwestern University, Evanston.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
AFEBALK (11 avril 2023). Turkey and/in the Balkans: Turkish power projections, transnational Islam, and social linkages. AFEBalk. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/aob0